Wednesday, November 25, 2009

grand opening at jeepers hospital and drug store

today, the grand opening of jeepers hospital -drugstore and underground u.s government human experments with youth serum and cure for heartburn and colds.
dr.ben casey, dr.kildare and dr.joe gannon and doggie doctors milo and fritz have been testing youth serums , unspecting people.
c.i.a covert agents inject peolpe with youth serums, the three stoogies work at these goverment run and funded drug store.
havi went to this drugstore, to buy normal beauty cream, mixed with youth serum, havi bought the tained beauty cream and went into her bed and stood in front of her bed room mirror ,havi, took off glasses put the beauty cream on face, it turns, it made havi geting younger, intill she became a 10 year old little girl, the clothes that she was wearing to big for to wear.

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